Create the future.

Main Research Theme of Yamanishi Laboratory is Biomedical Applications in Micro-nano Engineering Fields.



Press release of research papers by Dr. Kimura, Dr. Sakuma, and Dr. Takahashi of the Moonshot Project was published.



Mr. Saito(D2), Kadomura(M1) were given the awards at Cheminas 48.


Mr. Kiyama(M2), Takeda(M2), Nakagawa(M2) gave presentations at The 14th Symposium on Micro-Science and Technology.


Mr. Saito(D2),  Kadomura(M1), Fukunaga(M1), Matsuda(M1), Ms. Takahashi(M2) gave presentations at Cheminas 48

Welcome to Yamanishi Lab

Yamanishi Lab is conducting research on biomedical applications in the micro-nano field.

The name of the laboratory is "Biomedical Microfluidics Laboratory". By using engineering approach, we aim to clarify the unknown functions of cells and cellular scale biomedical treatment by making full use of knowledge of mechanics, electricity, medicine, biotechnology, etc. under the microscopic Micro/Nano environment.

Yoko Yamanishi, Professor

About Us